Monday, September 19, 2011

Le toit de la maison ne risque pas tomber sur mon tête

I remember my French TA at Bowdoin making a comment last fall about how when he talked to me in French and when he talked to me in English, it was like two different people.  When I talked in French I was shy, nervous, and unsure of myself; yet when I talked in English I acted like my normal self.  After being in France for over 3 weeks, it’s incredible to see how much I’ve changed.  Back then, I would’ve never believed I could buy a cellphone in French or ask a waiter for museum recommendations.  These things that I now do so casually seemed unfathomable merely a year ago. 

At dinner tonight, I learned some great French phrases.  It feels so great to not be ashamed to questions about the words I don’t know and to have casual conversations in French.  I learned:
-Chat à gorge = cat in throat
aka something’s caught in your throat
-le toit de la maison ne risque pas tomber sur mon tête = there is no risk of the ceiling of the house falling on my head
aka i left the house today and got shit done
-araignée dans ton plafond = spider in your ceiling
aka there’s nothing in your head - you’re not that intelligent
-ne mélange pas les serviettes et les torchons =
aka don’t mix the upper class (napkins) and the lower class (dish rags) – which I find super offensive

Today was another rainy day and it was GLORIOUS.  I went for another run.  I’m beginning to develop a running routine that ends with yoga/stretching, abs, pushups, and dips.  It’s so fun.  After class, Molly, Travis, Elita and I hung out at a café for lunch and hot cocoa.  There is nothing like a warm drink on a cold, rainy day!  Then we went to get dessert at another café.  I love France.  So chill.  The owner of this store loved Americans -first French person I’ve met who has good things to say about America!

We ended up just eating and hanging out until 4 o’clock!  Since Elita and I had to be at Tonic Stretching for 5, we had to rush back to campus from centre ville.  Before rushing off to class, we signed up for a trip to Annecy and one for PARAGLIDING.  I am going to jump off a cliff fo real.  I am so scared but so excited.  This will definitely be an experience I will never forget.  Thank god for Elita for making me do crazy things.  Annecy, Chamonix, and paragliding are all the same weekend in October (9/10).  Kinda pumped.

Tonique stretching was so silly.  It was the weirdest, slowest stretching I’ve ever done.  There were 25 females in the class – mostly taking it as an easy class to get credit.  Elita and I were just doing it for fun.  The whole time there was this slow, bizarre American music playing – which talked about waiting in the rain and waiting for love.  It was a mix of evanescence and nature music.  Like I said, so bizarre.  The final stretch involved partners - it was merely me laying on top of Elita and then vice versa.  Haha I’m not sure if I’ll stick with it.  It was relaxing but something might come up with a higher priority. 
Travis and I at Cafe #2

Me and Elita at Cafe #1
Also, there was snow on the tops of the mountains today.  Made me so happy.

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